Whats on folk at Le Poisson Rouge, august 2024

Hatis Noit Hatis Noit Monday 5 August 2024

Mon 5 Aug 2024, 19:30 - Le Poisson Rouge, New York
world, therefore Hatis Noit is what connects the two. For Hatis Noit, music represents the same
... transcendent vocal interpretations that at once deconstruct and recombine Western Classical, Japanese folk and... , including celebrated performances at MUTEK Japan, Montréal & Mexico, Rewire, Le Guess Who?, WOMAD, and many

Friday 16 August 2024:
The Secret Sisters The Secret Sisters Friday 16 August 2024

Fri 16 Aug 2024, 19:30 - Le Poisson Rouge, New York
chaotic world. Centered on a kaleidoscopic sound that boldly blurs the edges of country-folk, the duo
... simple to project your desires onto someone else, but in the end you have to hold onto what you love and... value about them, even when it gets tough."
In its lived-in exploration of what holds us together... while is what makes moments like this happen for other families.’ It was so gratifying to hear that, and

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